Wednesday, May 2, 2012

EOC: Chpater Five Exercise

My plan for the future is become a regional general manger of a high-end fashion brand the first that comes to mind is Louis Vuitton. Just like Vera Wang said “Although dreaming is wonderful and everyone needs goals, it should be kept in mind that it might take some tine to attain them”(Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 74) Knowing this I know that it will take years to obtain this goal of mine. First I need to gain more high-end luxury experience and then try to get in to the Louis Vuitton brand. Once I get into the brand I will be able to move since a lot of companies like to hire within the company even more so for a position like this. “The employee needs to live and breathe the brand for that aspiration to pass on to the customer.”(Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 83) Another great piece of advice is to “Understand what your skills are (and aren’t) and write yourself a job description.” (Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 86) While I was younger I wanted to be a fashion designer and soon realizing when I was older how much I disliked sewing and drawing I then relied how much I liked the business world. After doing this I then combined my two loves and then decided to come to school at The Art Institute.  I think some of the biggest things that will come in the way of my goal are work politics this can be a big reason why someone leaves a job or stays at it and moves up within the company. I hope that after I become a regional general manger that I may be able to work in corporate offices of Louis Vuitton and move to Parris.

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