Wednesday, April 11, 2012

EOC: Exercise Chapter Two

The Burberry ads have changed a lot over time since the first advertisements, and so has marketing. Before "Mass marketing included advertising and fashion branding directed at all consumer groups."  (Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 13) In the beginning there was a lot of text that described the item but did not show the item that well. The ads now feature only the products with the only text being Burberry. The ads of the time before seem to be a lot more military like. Before the brand to me felt not as glamorous as the brand feels now. I feel that the brand has stuck to the target market and stayed tried true to the brand. They still feature the same type of products but have adjusted to today’s marketplace. One of the first things that I think about when the brand comes to mind is the traditional Burberry trench coat. Even though the brand does feature the high fashions of today’s time they still keep in the tradition of the brand. I think that it is one of the few brands that has made little changes but still continues to make it in today’s time and market place. Of course the brand has had to make changes but what b rand that has been around for as long as they have hasn’t? Along with Burberry fashion branding has also changed "The main function of fashion branding is to provide a structure that uses images and language to impart a meaning to retail products." (Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 24) I think the reason that people purchase the brand is for the history that is behind it this also adds to a quality factor they would snot be around for so long if the quality standards where not up to par, which is fashion branding. "Fashion branding is a mixture of many elements and strategies that are generated to create product identity."(Brand Story, Joseph Hancock, page 32)

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